Phyloseq BUG Meeting Presentation Fall 2019

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Dataset examined is from this file

The full MiSeqSOP, a partial dataset is discussed here on the mothur website:

Here is a small excerpt from the site that describes the study design:

Starting out we need to first determine, what is our question? The Schloss lab
is interested in understanding the effect of normal variation in the gut
microbiome on host health. To that end we collected fresh feces from mice on a
daily basis for 365 days post weaning (we're accepting applications). During the
first 150 days post weaning (dpw), nothing was done to our mice except allow
them to eat, get fat, and be merry. We were curious whether the rapid change in
weight observed during the first 10 dpw affected the stability microbiome
compared to the microbiome observed between days 140 and 150.


If you have time-series data, then you MUST make sure you are using the paired statistical tests.

Let’s import some data that we previously generated using dada2.

base <- here('content', 'posts', 'data', 
metadata <- read.table(file.path(base, ''), sep='\t', header = T,
                       colClasses = c('character', 'factor', 'factor',
                                      'numeric', 'factor'))
seqtab.nochim <- readRDS(file.path(base, "seqtab_nochim.rds"))
seqtab.taxa <- readRDS(file.path(base, "tax.rds"))
rownames(metadata) <- metadata$sample

#Get ordering to preserve data presentation order throughout analysis
## [1] "sample" "mouse"  "sex"    "day"    "time"
# metadata$time
primary <- 'time'
primary_order_list <- c('early', 'midearly', 'mid', 'late', 'post')
metadata$time <- factor(metadata$time, levels = primary_order_list)
## [1] "early"    "midearly" "mid"      "late"     "post"
# metadata$sex
secondary <- 'sex'
secondary_order_list <- c('female', 'male')
metadata$sex <- factor(metadata$sex, levels = secondary_order_list)
## [1] "female" "male"
# Get color list
ncolors <- length(levels(metadata$time))

primary_color_list <- brewer.pal(ncolors, 'Dark2') 

#Convert to phyloseq object
ps <- phyloseq(otu_table(seqtab.nochim, taxa_are_rows=FALSE),

#convert names to arbitrary ASV names <-,
                                paste0("ASV", seq(ntaxa(ps)))),
colnames( <- c('seq', 'asv')
taxa_names(ps) <-$asv

Let’s explore the data a bit before we do any diversity plots

## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 403 taxa and 360 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 360 samples by 5 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 403 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
observed <- estimate_richness(ps, measures = c('Observed'))
explore.df <- cbind(observed, sample_sums(ps), sample_data(ps)$time)
colnames(explore.df) <- c('Observed', 'Sample_Sums', 'Time')
observed_mean <- mean(explore.df$Observed)
sample_sum_mean <- mean(explore.df$Sample_Sums)
ggplot(data = explore.df, aes(x = Sample_Sums, y = Observed, color = Time)) + 
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method="auto", se=TRUE, fullrange=FALSE, level=0.95, 
              inherit.aes = F, mapping = aes(Sample_Sums, Observed),
              data = explore.df) +
  scale_color_manual(values = primary_color_list)
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula 'y ~ x'

# Let's use ampvis2 again so we can easily make a rarefaction curve

# Need to convert from phyloseq to ampvis
av2_otutable <- data.frame(OTU = rownames(t(phyloseq::otu_table(ps)@.Data)),
                       check.names = F

#Extract metadata from the phyloseq object:
av2_metadata <- data.frame(phyloseq::sample_data(ps), 
                       check.names = F

av2_metadata <- cbind(rownames(av2_metadata), av2_metadata)

#Load the data with amp_load:
av2_obj <- amp_load(av2_otutable, av2_metadata)

rare_plot_amp <- amp_rarecurve(data = av2_obj, color_by = primary)
rare_curve_plot <- rare_plot_amp + ylab('Observed ASVs (count)') + 
  # geom_vline(xintercept=min(sample_sums(ps2)), linetype='dashed') +
  scale_color_manual(values =  primary_color_list) +
  xlim(c(0, 35000))

##   [1]     1    10    11    19    75   254   268   697   734   788  1184
##  [12]  1449  1938  1970  1984  2069  2070  2108  2164  2185  2284  2350
##  [23]  2380  2507  2561  2746  2782  2803  2844  2918  2936  2952  2975
##  [34]  3090  3092  3100  3105  3172  3278  3319  3367  3380  3433  3452
##  [45]  3483  3515  3547  3576  3630  3658  3660  3710  3711  3730  3752
##  [56]  3755  3765  3771  3776  3782  3819  3856  3877  3877  3889  3894
##  [67]  3897  3908  3931  3932  3997  4028  4078  4088  4095  4113  4131
##  [78]  4187  4205  4210  4231  4250  4259  4275  4329  4366  4405  4414
##  [89]  4419  4430  4456  4475  4514  4517  4529  4562  4583  4640  4641
## [100]  4653  4660  4660  4685  4707  4727  4728  4734  4735  4791  4814
## [111]  4850  4860  4890  4908  4942  4984  4986  5038  5043  5079  5117
## [122]  5122  5124  5182  5200  5214  5215  5240  5240  5243  5250  5263
## [133]  5270  5359  5381  5396  5418  5472  5489  5492  5507  5540  5541
## [144]  5617  5657  5662  5694  5695  5700  5771  5835  5855  5876  5930
## [155]  6024  6028  6028  6029  6052  6087  6098  6139  6153  6187  6224
## [166]  6270  6352  6463  6550  6554  6580  6584  6599  6632  6642  6665
## [177]  6685  6726  6761  6786  6810  6814  6830  6847  6854  6855  6861
## [188]  6865  6897  6912  7008  7046  7135  7207  7219  7223  7244  7268
## [199]  7326  7428  7458  7463  7566  7566  7588  7599  7672  7739  7761
## [210]  7782  7786  7813  7875  7882  7926  7992  8057  8058  8088  8091
## [221]  8108  8118  8154  8178  8286  8358  8362  8403  8525  8540  8658
## [232]  8661  8751  8843  8912  8960  8966  9048  9067  9073  9145  9320
## [243]  9378  9480  9504  9526  9550  9565  9714  9782  9981 10067 10106
## [254] 10119 10169 10179 10350 10358 10451 10533 10620 10630 10667 10713
## [265] 10726 10761 10763 11143 11163 11222 11226 11253 11266 11349 11412
## [276] 11534 11535 11581 11600 11741 11912 11944 12007 12084 12118 12125
## [287] 12225 12226 12424 12475 12488 12496 12510 12539 12571 12577 12703
## [298] 12745 12761 12807 12984 13383 13462 13779 13809 13948 13998 14085
## [309] 14108 14278 14433 14484 14616 14716 14883 15104 15171 15198 15212
## [320] 15310 15485 15549 15668 15920 16057 16138 16215 16279 16621 16812
## [331] 16859 16885 17027 17283 17625 17708 18135 18350 18461 18797 19063
## [342] 19181 19531 19632 19733 19958 21235 22927 24018 24239 25839 25943
## [353] 26225 26804 27999 29429 30626 30932 32226 32963
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       1    4450    6798    8413   11223   32963
## [1] 360
length(which(explore.df$Sample_Sums < 2500))
## [1] 23
rare_curve_plot + geom_vline(xintercept = 2500, linetype = 'dashed')

# remove samples below 2500 total reads
ps_sub <- subset_samples(ps, sample_sums(ps) > 2500)

We’ve removed samples with fewer than 2500 reads. Now, lets calculate some diversity values.

plot_richness(ps_sub, measures = c('Shannon', 'Simpson'))
## Warning in estimate_richness(physeq, split = TRUE, measures = measures): The data you have provided does not have
## any singletons. This is highly suspicious. Results of richness
## estimates (for example) are probably unreliable, or wrong, if you have already
## trimmed low-abundance taxa from the data.
## We recommended that you find the un-trimmed data and retry.

ps_sub.rare <- rarefy_even_depth(ps_sub)
## You set `rngseed` to FALSE. Make sure you've set & recorded
##  the random seed of your session for reproducibility.
## See `?set.seed`
## ...
## 11OTUs were removed because they are no longer 
## present in any sample after random subsampling
## ...
##   F3D0   F3D1  F3D11 F3D125  F3D13 F3D141 F3D142 F3D143 F3D144 F3D145 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## F3D146 F3D147 F3D148 F3D149  F3D15 F3D150  F3D17   F3D2  F3D21  F3D25 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   F3D3 F3D364   F3D5   F3D6  F3D65   F3D7   F3D8   F3D9   F4D0   F4D1 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  F4D11 F4D125  F4D13 F4D141 F4D142 F4D143 F4D144 F4D145 F4D146 F4D147 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## F4D148 F4D149  F4D15 F4D150  F4D17  F4D19   F4D2  F4D21  F4D25   F4D3 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## F4D302   F4D4   F4D5   F4D6  F4D65   F4D7   F4D8   F4D9   F5D0   F5D1 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  F5D11 F5D125  F5D13 F5D141 F5D142 F5D143 F5D144 F5D146 F5D147 F5D148 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## F5D149  F5D15 F5D150  F5D17  F5D19   F5D2  F5D21  F5D25   F5D3 F5D364 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   F5D4  F5D45   F5D5   F5D6  F5D65   F5D7   F5D8   F5D9   F6D0   F6D1 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  F6D11 F6D125  F6D13 F6D141 F6D142 F6D143 F6D144 F6D145 F6D146 F6D147 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## F6D148 F6D149  F6D15 F6D150 F6D165  F6D17  F6D19   F6D2  F6D21  F6D25 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   F6D3   F6D4  F6D45   F6D5   F6D6  F6D65   F6D7   F6D8   F6D9   F7D0 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   F7D1  F7D11 F7D124  F7D13 F7D141 F7D142 F7D143 F7D144 F7D145 F7D146 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## F7D147 F7D148 F7D149  F7D15 F7D150   F7D2  F7D25   F7D3   F7D4  F7D45 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   F7D5   F7D6  F7D65   F7D7   F7D9   F8D0   F8D1 F8D125 F8D141 F8D142 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## F8D143 F8D144 F8D145 F8D146 F8D147 F8D148 F8D150   F8D2  F8D25   F8D3 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   F8D4  F8D45   F8D5   F8D6  F8D65   F8D7   F8D8   F8D9   M1D0   M1D1 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  M1D11 M1D125  M1D13 M1D142 M1D143 M1D144 M1D145 M1D147 M1D148  M1D15 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  M1D17  M1D19  M1D21  M1D25   M1D3 M1D364   M1D4   M1D5   M1D6  M1D65 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   M1D8   M2D0   M2D1  M2D11  M2D13 M2D141 M2D142 M2D143 M2D144 M2D145 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## M2D146 M2D147 M2D148 M2D149  M2D15 M2D150  M2D17   M2D2  M2D21  M2D25 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   M2D3 M2D364   M2D4   M2D5   M2D6  M2D65   M2D7   M2D8   M2D9   M3D0 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  M3D11 M3D125  M3D13 M3D142 M3D143 M3D144 M3D145 M3D146  M3D15 M3D150 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  M3D17 M3D175  M3D19   M3D2  M3D21  M3D25 M3D364   M3D4  M3D45   M3D6 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  M3D65   M3D7   M3D9   M4D0  M4D11 M4D125  M4D13 M4D141 M4D142 M4D143 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## M4D144 M4D145 M4D146 M4D147 M4D149  M4D15 M4D150  M4D17 M4D175  M4D19 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   M4D2  M4D21  M4D25   M4D3 M4D364   M4D4  M4D45   M4D5   M4D6  M4D65 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   M4D7   M4D8   M4D9   M5D0   M5D1  M5D11 M5D124  M5D13 M5D141 M5D142 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## M5D143 M5D144 M5D145 M5D146 M5D147 M5D148 M5D149  M5D15 M5D150  M5D17 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## M5D175  M5D19   M5D2  M5D21  M5D25   M5D3 M5D364   M5D4  M5D45   M5D5 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##   M5D6  M5D65   M5D7   M5D8   M5D9   M6D0   M6D1  M6D11 M6D124  M6D13 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## M6D141 M6D142 M6D143 M6D144 M6D145 M6D146 M6D147 M6D148 M6D149  M6D15 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
## M6D150  M6D17 M6D175  M6D19   M6D2  M6D21  M6D25   M6D3 M6D364   M6D4 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507 
##  M6D45   M6D5   M6D6  M6D65   M6D7   M6D8   M6D9 
##   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507   2507
plot_richness(ps_sub.rare, measures = c('Shannon', 'Simpson'))

richness.rare <- cbind(estimate_richness(ps_sub.rare, 
                                         measures = c('Shannon', 'Simpson')),
colnames(richness.rare) <- c('Shannon', 'Simpson', 'Time')
richness.rare$Labels <- rownames(richness.rare)

ggplot(data = richness.rare, aes(x = Shannon, y = Simpson)) + 

message('Simpson index as returned by vegan package is 1-D, rather than D itself.')
## Simpson index as returned by vegan package is 1-D, rather than D itself.
ggplot(data = richness.rare, aes(x = Shannon, y = (Simpson-1)*-1, color = Time)) + 
  geom_point() +
#  geom_smooth(method="auto", se=TRUE, fullrange=FALSE, level=0.95, 
#              inherit.aes = F, mapping = aes(Shannon, Simpson),
#              data = richness.rare) +
  scale_color_manual(values = primary_color_list) +
  geom_text(aes(label=ifelse(Shannon<1, Labels, ""), hjust=-0.1),
            show.legend = F) +
  xlim(c(0,max(richness.rare$Shannon))) +

outlier <- data.frame(otu_table(ps_sub.rare)['F6D165',])
outlier <- reshape2::melt(outlier)
## No id variables; using all as measure variables
outlier[order(outlier$value, decreasing = T),][1:10,]
##     variable value
## 13     ASV13  2402
## 227   ASV227    38
## 134   ASV134    24
## 109   ASV109    11
## 146   ASV146    11
## 206   ASV206     9
## 315   ASV315     8
## 3       ASV3     3
## 5       ASV5     1
## 1       ASV1     0
##          Shannon    Simpson Time Labels
## F6D165 0.2463608 0.08162673 post F6D165
# Removing outlier
ps_sub.rare <- subset_samples(ps_sub.rare, sample_names(ps_sub.rare) != 'F6D165')
richness.rare <- cbind(estimate_richness(ps_sub.rare, 
                                         measures = c('Shannon', 'Simpson')),
colnames(richness.rare) <- c('Shannon', 'Simpson', 'Time')
richness.rare$Labels <- rownames(richness.rare)

Let’s do some statistical testing of the means of our alpha diversity between groups.

ad.test.df <- richness.rare[,c('Shannon', 'Simpson')]
ad.test.df <- cbind(ad.test.df,
                   sample_data(ps_sub.rare)[, c(primary, secondary)])
colnames(ad.test.df) <- c('Shannon', 'Simpson', 'Time', 'Sex')
kruskal.test(Shannon ~ Time, data=ad.test.df)
##  Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data:  Shannon by Time
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 32.803, df = 4, p-value = 0.000001311
kruskal.test(Simpson ~ Time, data=ad.test.df)
##  Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data:  Simpson by Time
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 39.993, df = 4, p-value =
## 0.00000004342
kruskal.test(Shannon ~ Sex, data=ad.test.df)
##  Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data:  Shannon by Sex
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 0.067033, df = 1, p-value = 0.7957
kruskal.test(Simpson ~ Sex, data=ad.test.df)
##  Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
## data:  Simpson by Sex
## Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 0.033316, df = 1, p-value = 0.8552
shannon.plot <- ggplot(ad.test.df, aes(x = Time, y = Shannon, fill=Time)) +
  geom_boxplot() + 
  ylab('Shannon Index') +
  xlab(primary) +
  scale_fill_manual(name = primary, values = primary_color_list) +
  labs(fill = primary) +
  theme_cowplot() +
  theme(legend.position = 'none',
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1),
        axis.title.x = element_blank()) 

simpson.plot <- ggplot(ad.test.df, aes(x = Time, y = Simpson, fill=Time)) +
  geom_boxplot() + 
  ylab('Simpson Index') +
  xlab(primary) +
  scale_fill_manual(name = primary, values = primary_color_list) +
  labs(fill = primary) +
  theme_cowplot() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1),
        axis.title.x = element_blank())

diversity.plots <- plot_grid(shannon.plot, simpson.plot, 
                             labels = c('A', 'B'), align = 'h',
                             rel_widths = c(1.5, 2))  

ad.wilcox.shannon <- pairwise.wilcox.test(ad.test.df$Shannon,
                                  p.adjust.method = 'fdr')
ad.wilcox.simpson <- pairwise.wilcox.test(ad.test.df$Simpson,
                                  p.adjust.method = 'fdr')
##  Pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon rank sum test 
## data:  ad.test.df$Shannon and ad.test.df$Time 
##          early   midearly   mid     late   
## midearly 0.00031 -          -       -      
## mid      0.35320 0.00009731 -       -      
## late     0.42211 0.00000058 0.42211 -      
## post     0.78919 0.41982    0.44876 0.45709
## P value adjustment method: fdr
# Use ggpubr to add significance values
shannon.plot.sig <- shannon.plot + 
  stat_compare_means(method = 'wilcox',
                     label = 'p.signif',
                     comparisons = list(c('early', 'midearly'),
                                        c('midearly', 'mid'),
                                        c('midearly', 'late'))) 

##  Pairwise comparisons using Wilcoxon rank sum test 
## data:  ad.test.df$Simpson and ad.test.df$Time 
##          early  midearly    mid    late  
## midearly 0.0069 -           -      -     
## mid      0.0224 0.000039116 -      -     
## late     0.0069 0.000000035 0.4657 -     
## post     0.9508 0.3284      0.3579 0.3942
## P value adjustment method: fdr
simpson.plot.sig <- simpson.plot + 
  stat_compare_means(method = 'wilcox',
                     label = 'p.signif',
                     comparisons = list(c('midearly', 'mid'),
                                        c('midearly', 'late'),
                                        c('early', 'midearly'),
                                        c('early', 'mid'),
                                        c('early', 'late')))
diversity.plots.sig <- plot_grid(shannon.plot.sig, simpson.plot.sig, 
                             labels = c('A', 'B'), align = 'h',
                             rel_widths = c(1.5, 2))  

Let’s examine beta diversity next.

ps_sub <- subset_samples(ps_sub, sample_names(ps_sub) != 'F6D165')
# Prevalence filtering to 10% prevalence
prevThreshold <- nsamples(ps_sub) * 0.10

# Compute prevalence of each feature, store as data.frame
prevdf <- apply(X = otu_table(ps_sub),
               MARGIN = ifelse(taxa_are_rows(ps_sub), yes = 1, no = 2),
               FUN = function(x){sum(x > 0)})

# Add taxonomy and total read counts to this data.frame
prevdf <- data.frame(Prevalence = prevdf,
                    TotalAbundance = taxa_sums(ps_sub),

keepTaxa <- rownames(prevdf)[(prevdf$Prevalence >= prevThreshold)]
removeTaxa <- rownames(prevdf)[(prevdf$Prevalence < prevThreshold)]
ps2 <- prune_taxa(keepTaxa, ps_sub)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 403 taxa and 336 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 336 samples by 5 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 403 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 179 taxa and 336 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 336 samples by 5 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 179 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
ps2.rare <- rarefy_even_depth(ps2)
## You set `rngseed` to FALSE. Make sure you've set & recorded
##  the random seed of your session for reproducibility.
## See `?set.seed`
## ...
ps2.comp <- transform_sample_counts(ps2,  
                                    function(x) x/sum(x) * 100)
# Get matching metadata & ASV table

ord.meta <- data.frame(sample_data(ps2))
ord.asvs <- otu_table(ps2.rare)

# Generate nmds & pcoa ordinations (Bray-Curtis dissimilarity)
bc.nmds <- metaMDS(ord.asvs, 
                    autotransform = F,
                    trymax = 30)
## Run 0 stress 0.1193779 
## Run 1 stress 0.1196604 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.00388432  max resid 0.05598009 
## Run 2 stress 0.1194077 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.002619675  max resid 0.03767883 
## Run 3 stress 0.119419 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003345356  max resid 0.04801447 
## Run 4 stress 0.1194602 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.00167798  max resid 0.01825636 
## Run 5 stress 0.1391304 
## Run 6 stress 0.1279531 
## Run 7 stress 0.1194175 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003159817  max resid 0.04174554 
## Run 8 stress 0.1194168 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003288242  max resid 0.04777791 
## Run 9 stress 0.1194228 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003499306  max resid 0.04593173 
## Run 10 stress 0.1194033 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.002445145  max resid 0.03361493 
## Run 11 stress 0.1213136 
## Run 12 stress 0.1316767 
## Run 13 stress 0.1198188 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.007853739  max resid 0.1140719 
## Run 14 stress 0.1199985 
## Run 15 stress 0.1194109 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003113788  max resid 0.04155255 
## Run 16 stress 0.119555 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.001899339  max resid 0.03142632 
## Run 17 stress 0.1202132 
## Run 18 stress 0.1194123 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003268465  max resid 0.04069319 
## Run 19 stress 0.1225856 
## Run 20 stress 0.1203048 
## Run 21 stress 0.1397372 
## Run 22 stress 0.1195853 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003257454  max resid 0.03768531 
## Run 23 stress 0.1194149 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003180758  max resid 0.04177879 
## Run 24 stress 0.4185384 
## Run 25 stress 0.1388839 
## Run 26 stress 0.1262996 
## Run 27 stress 0.1194148 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.002658243  max resid 0.03772182 
## Run 28 stress 0.1195803 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003190453  max resid 0.03649592 
## Run 29 stress 0.1195776 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.003369715  max resid 0.03543611 
## Run 30 stress 0.1194101 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.002949001  max resid 0.03714186 
## *** No convergence -- monoMDS stopping criteria:
##     12: no. of iterations >= maxit
##     18: stress ratio > sratmax
    bc.nmds) +
  geom_text(aes(label=ifelse(NMDS1 < (-2), sample, ""), hjust=-0.1),
            show.legend = F)

outliers <- names(which(bc.nmds$points[,1] < (-2)))
ps2.rare.sub <- subset_samples(ps2.rare, !sample_names(ps2.rare) %in% outliers)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 179 taxa and 332 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 332 samples by 5 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 179 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]

Now we’ve removed the outliers with respect to beta diversity from the analysis.

We need to restart the ordination with the outliers removed.

ord.meta <- data.frame(sample_data(ps2.rare.sub))
ord.asvs <- otu_table(ps2.rare.sub)
bc.nmds <- metaMDS(ord.asvs,
                   autotransform = F,
                   trymax = 30)
## Run 0 stress 0.166958 
## Run 1 stress 0.1672417 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.002291094  max resid 0.03849656 
## Run 2 stress 0.1669582 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0002360357  max resid 0.003420412 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 3 stress 0.168862 
## Run 4 stress 0.166965 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0005240002  max resid 0.008058722 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 5 stress 0.1669622 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0005768518  max resid 0.009724019 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 6 stress 0.1669616 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0005699644  max resid 0.009642975 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 7 stress 0.1669627 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0005786757  max resid 0.009679927 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 8 stress 0.1688668 
## Run 9 stress 0.1683744 
## Run 10 stress 0.16742 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.004168486  max resid 0.07423793 
## Run 11 stress 0.1669691 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0006471376  max resid 0.007913315 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 12 stress 0.1672501 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.002280951  max resid 0.0375698 
## Run 13 stress 0.1669582 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0001210431  max resid 0.001760401 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 14 stress 0.1669651 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0004546973  max resid 0.005718155 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 15 stress 0.1688696 
## Run 16 stress 0.1669629 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0006064841  max resid 0.009749018 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 17 stress 0.1672445 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.002208099  max resid 0.03690399 
## Run 18 stress 0.1669627 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0006047666  max resid 0.009768097 
## ... Similar to previous best
## Run 19 stress 0.1688768 
## Run 20 stress 0.166962 
## ... Procrustes: rmse 0.0005992686  max resid 0.009660375 
## ... Similar to previous best
## *** Solution reached
bc.pcoa <- ordinate(ord.asvs, method = 'PCoA')

# Calculate distance matrices
bc.dist <- metaMDSredist(bc.nmds)
bc.envfit.nmds <- envfit(bc.nmds ~ time + sex,
                         data = ord.meta,
                         display = 'sites',
                         na.rm = T)
bc.envfit.pcoa <- envfit(bc.pcoa$vectors[,1:2] ~ time + sex,
                         data = ord.meta,
                         display = 'sites',
                         na.rm = T)

# Extract fit data
# NMDS data
# Use ggvegan to extract the nmds data for plotting as ggplot object
bc.envfit.nmds.fort <- fortify(bc.envfit.nmds)
centroids.nmds <- subset(bc.envfit.nmds.fort, Type == 'Centroid')
centroids.nmds$Label <- c('early', 'midearly', 'mid', 'late', 'post', 
                          'female', 'male')
vectors.nmds <- subset(bc.envfit.nmds.fort, Type == 'Vector')

# Get ellipse data
# Ellipse function
veganCovEllipse<-function (cov, center = c(0, 0), scale = 1, npoints = 100) 
  theta <- (0:npoints) * 2 * pi/npoints
  Circle <- cbind(cos(theta), sin(theta))
  t(center + scale * t(Circle %*% chol(cov)))

bc.nmds.df <- data.frame(MDS1 = bc.nmds$points[,1],
                         MDS2 = bc.nmds$points[,2],
                         time = ord.meta$time)
bc.nmds.ellipse <- ordiellipse(bc.nmds, 
                               kind = "sd", 
                               conf = 0.95,
                               object = T)
## Warning in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...): "object" is not a
## graphical parameter

## Warning in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...): "object" is not a
## graphical parameter

## Warning in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...): "object" is not a
## graphical parameter

## Warning in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...): "object" is not a
## graphical parameter

## Warning in plot.xy(xy.coords(x, y), type = type, ...): "object" is not a
## graphical parameter

##            early    midearly         mid        late       post
## NMDS1 0.27679173 -0.05190089 -0.12725344 -0.18871119 -0.2382166
## NMDS2 0.02737381  0.11750573 -0.09450458 -0.06479793 -0.1773802
## Area  1.28695458  0.71163846  0.23483242  0.15522114  0.5202201
bc.nmds.ellipse.df <- data.frame()
for(tp in levels(ord.meta$time)){
  bc.nmds.ellipse.df <- rbind(bc.nmds.ellipse.df, 

# PCoA data
bc.envfit.pcoa.fort <- fortify(bc.envfit.pcoa)
centroids.pcoa <- subset(bc.envfit.pcoa.fort, Type == 'Centroid')
centroids.pcoa$Label <- c('early', 'midearly', 'mid', 'late', 'post', 
                          'female', 'male')
# vectors.pcoa <- subset(bc.envfit.pcoa.fort, Type == 'Vector')

ord.bray.nmds.plot <- plot_ordination(
    color = primary,
    shape = secondary) +
  theme_cowplot() + 
  scale_color_manual(values = primary_color_list) +
  background_grid(major = 'xy', minor = 'none') +
  coord_fixed(ratio = 1)

ord.bray.nmds.plot +
  geom_label(aes(label = Label,
                 x = NMDS1,
                 y = NMDS2,
                 alpha = 0.90),
             show.legend = F,
             data = centroids.nmds,
             inherit.aes = F) 

centroids.nmds <- subset(centroids.nmds,!centroids.nmds$Label %in% c('female', 
ord.bray.nmds.plot +
  geom_label(aes(label = Label,
                 x = NMDS1,
                 y = NMDS2,
                 alpha = 0.90),
             show.legend = F,
             data = centroids.nmds,
             inherit.aes = F) 

ord.bray.nmds.plot +
  background_grid(major = 'none', minor = 'none') +
  geom_path(data = bc.nmds.ellipse.df,
            aes(x = NMDS1, y = NMDS2, color = time), 
            size = 1, 
            linetype = 2,
            inherit.aes = F) 

#   geom_segment(data = vectors.nmds,
#                aes(x = 0,
#                    y = 0,
#                    xend = NMDS1,
#                    yend = NMDS2),
#                arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.1, 'cm')),
#                color = 'black',
#                inherit.aes = F) 

## ***FACTORS:
## Centroids:
##                NMDS1   NMDS2
## timeearly     0.2768  0.0274
## timemidearly -0.0519  0.1175
## timemid      -0.1273 -0.0945
## timelate     -0.1887 -0.0648
## timepost     -0.2382 -0.1774
## sexfemale     0.0531  0.0319
## sexmale      -0.0537 -0.0323
## Goodness of fit:
##          r2 Pr(>r)    
## time 0.3891  0.001 ***
## sex  0.0321  0.001 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Permutation: free
## Number of permutations: 999
# Tests for differences in means of the data
bc.adonis <- adonis(bc.dist ~ time * sex,
                    data = ord.meta)
## Call:
## adonis(formula = bc.dist ~ time * sex, data = ord.meta) 
## Permutation: free
## Number of permutations: 999
## Terms added sequentially (first to last)
##            Df SumsOfSqs MeanSqs F.Model      R2 Pr(>F)    
## time        4    6.2082 1.55204  24.437 0.22065  0.001 ***
## sex         1    0.8273 0.82731  13.026 0.02940  0.001 ***
## time:sex    4    0.6496 0.16240   2.557 0.02309  0.001 ***
## Residuals 322   20.4510 0.06351         0.72686           
## Total     331   28.1361                 1.00000           
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# TukeyHSD on Beta dispersions
# Tests for homogeneity of the data
bc.disper <- betadisper(bc.dist, ord.meta$time)
##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
## Fit: aov(formula = distances ~ group, data = df)
## $group
##                        diff          lwr           upr     p adj
## midearly-early -0.048222855 -0.071418402 -0.0250273075 0.0000003
## mid-early      -0.081716911 -0.112961097 -0.0504727252 0.0000000
## late-early     -0.102897239 -0.123663070 -0.0821314078 0.0000000
## post-early     -0.054638352 -0.107909582 -0.0013671207 0.0412433
## mid-midearly   -0.033494057 -0.066433120 -0.0005549937 0.0440902
## late-midearly  -0.054674384 -0.077912337 -0.0314364315 0.0000000
## post-midearly  -0.006415497 -0.060698153  0.0478671590 0.9976035
## late-mid       -0.021180327 -0.052456008  0.0100953532 0.3425020
## post-mid        0.027078560 -0.031100238  0.0852573574 0.7057337
## post-late       0.048258887 -0.005030822  0.1015485961 0.0967398

Let’s generate some barplots next <- subset_samples(ps2.comp, !sample_names(ps2.comp) %in% outliers)

# Basic phyloseq plot
plot_bar(, fill = 'Phylum', x = primary) +
    geom_bar(aes(color = Phylum),

# Merged phyloseq plot (100% total abundance) <- merge_samples(, group = primary)
## Warning in asMethod(object): NAs introduced by coercion
sample_data($time <- sample_names( <- transform_sample_counts(,  
                                    function(x) x/sum(x) * 100)
plot_bar(, fill = 'Phylum', x = primary) +
    geom_bar(aes(color = Phylum),

# Fully modified phyloseq plot
ps2.bp.phylum <- tax_glom(, 'Phylum', NArm = F)

taxa_count <- length(unique(tax_table(ps2.bp.phylum)[,'Phylum']))
getPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))
cabd <- sort(taxa_sums(ps2.bp.phylum)/nsamples(ps2.bp.phylum),
             decreasing = T)
taxa_order <- as.character(tax_table(ps2.bp.phylum)[names(rev(cabd)), 'Phylum'])
taxa_order <- unique(taxa_order)
sample_order <- sample_names(ps2.bp.phylum)
bp.phylum <- plot_bar(ps2.bp.phylum, fill = 'Phylum') +
           position='stack') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = rev(getPalette(taxa_count))) + 
  scale_color_manual(name = 'Phylum',
                     values = rev(getPalette(taxa_count))) +
  ylim(c(0,101)) +
  theme_cowplot() +
bp.phylum$data[,'Phylum'] <- factor(bp.phylum$data[,'Phylum'], 
                                    levels = taxa_order)
bp.phylum$data[,'Sample'] <- factor(bp.phylum$data[,'Sample'], 
       levels = sample_order)

# Let's look at families <- tax_glom(, 'Family', NArm = F)
## phyloseq-class experiment-level object
## otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 23 taxa and 5 samples ]
## sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 5 samples by 5 sample variables ]
## tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 23 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]
cabd <- sort(taxa_sums(,
             decreasing = T)
# Lets remove some low abundance families <- names(which(cabd < 0.5))
tax_table([, 'Family'] <- '< 0.5% Abd' <- tax_glom(, 'Family', NArm = F)
cabd <- sort(taxa_sums(,
             decreasing = T)
taxa_count <- length(unique(tax_table([,'Family']))
getPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))

taxa_order <- as.character(tax_table([names(rev(cabd)), 'Family'])
taxa_order <- unique(taxa_order)
sample_order <- sample_names( <- plot_bar(, fill = 'Family') +
           position='stack') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = rev(getPalette(taxa_count))) + 
  scale_color_manual(name = 'Family',
                     values = rev(getPalette(taxa_count))) +
  ylim(c(0,101)) +
  theme_cowplot() +
  xlab('timepoint')$data[,'Family'] <- factor($data[,'Family'], 
                                    levels = taxa_order)$data[,'Sample'] <- factor($data[,'Sample'], 
       levels = sample_order)

# ampvis2
#Combine OTU abundance table and taxonomy table from the phyloseq object "my_phyloseq_object":
av2_otutable <- data.frame(OTU = rownames(t(phyloseq::otu_table(,
                       check.names = F

#Extract metadata from the phyloseq object:
av2_metadata <- data.frame(phyloseq::sample_data(, 
                       check.names = F

av2_metadata <- cbind(rownames(av2_metadata), av2_metadata)

#Load the data with amp_load:
av2_obj <- amp_load(av2_otutable, av2_metadata)
av2_box <- amp_boxplot(av2_obj, group_by = primary,
            sort_by = 'mean', tax_show = 10,
            tax_aggregate = 'Phylum',
            order_group = primary_order_list, 
            normalise = F) +
  scale_color_manual(values = rev(primary_color_list)) 

av2_box <- amp_boxplot(av2_obj, group_by = primary,
            sort_by = 'mean', tax_show = 10,
            tax_aggregate = 'Family',
            order_group = primary_order_list,
            normalise = F) +
  scale_color_manual(values = rev(primary_color_list)) 

av2_box <- amp_boxplot(av2_obj, group_by = primary,
            sort_by = 'mean', tax_show = 10,
            tax_aggregate = 'Genus',
            order_group = primary_order_list,
            normalise = F) +
  scale_color_manual(values = rev(primary_color_list)) 

# Use UpSetR to generate upset plots (Venn diagram alternative)
ps2.venn <- merge_samples(ps2.rare.sub, primary, fun = sum)
## Warning in asMethod(object): NAs introduced by coercion
venn_obj <-
venn_obj.binary <- sapply(venn_obj, function(x) ifelse(x > 0, 1, 0),
                          USE.NAMES = T)
rownames(venn_obj.binary) <- rownames(venn_obj)
venn_obj.binary <-
upset_order <- colnames(venn_obj.binary)
shared_ASV_plot <- upset(venn_obj.binary, nsets = 6,
      sets = rev(upset_order),
      mainbar.y.label = 'Shared ASVs',
      sets.x.label = 'ASVs per Group',
      keep.order = T, = 'freq', = rev(primary_color_list))

R-session Information:

##  [1] "R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)"                                             
##  [2] "Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)"                                
##  [3] "Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18362)"                              
##  [4] ""                                                                         
##  [5] "Matrix products: default"                                                 
##  [6] ""                                                                         
##  [7] "locale:"                                                                  
##  [8] "[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 "                               
##  [9] "[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   "                               
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## [11] "[4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          "                               
## [12] "[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    "                               
## [13] ""                                                                         
## [14] "attached base packages:"                                                  
## [15] "[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     "
## [16] ""                                                                         
## [17] "other attached packages:"                                                 
## [18] " [1] ggvegan_0.1-0      ggpubr_0.2.3       magrittr_1.5      "            
## [19] " [4] UpSetR_1.4.0       ampvis2_2.5.4      here_0.1          "            
## [20] " [7] cowplot_1.0.0      RColorBrewer_1.1-2 vegan_2.5-6       "            
## [21] "[10] lattice_0.20-38    permute_0.9-5      ggplot2_3.2.1     "            
## [22] "[13] phyloseq_1.30.0    dada2_1.14.0       Rcpp_1.0.1        "            
## [23] ""                                                                         
## [24] "loaded via a namespace (and not attached):"                               
## [25] " [1] nlme_3.1-140                bitops_1.0-6               "             
## [26] " [3] matrixStats_0.55.0          lubridate_1.7.4            "             
## [27] " [5] httr_1.4.0                  doParallel_1.0.15          "             
## [28] " [7] rprojroot_1.3-2             GenomeInfoDb_1.22.0        "             
## [29] " [9] tools_3.6.1                 backports_1.1.4            "             
## [30] "[11] R6_2.4.0                    lazyeval_0.2.2             "             
## [31] "[13] BiocGenerics_0.32.0         mgcv_1.8-28                "             
## [32] "[15] colorspace_1.4-1            ade4_1.7-13                "             
## [33] "[17] withr_2.1.2                 gridExtra_2.3              "             
## [34] "[19] tidyselect_0.2.5            compiler_3.6.1             "             
## [35] "[21] cli_1.1.0                   Biobase_2.46.0             "             
## [36] "[23] network_1.15                plotly_4.9.0               "             
## [37] "[25] DelayedArray_0.12.0         labeling_0.3               "             
## [38] "[27] bookdown_0.13               scales_1.0.0               "             
## [39] "[29] stringr_1.4.0               ggnet_0.1.0                "             
## [40] "[31] digest_0.6.21               Rsamtools_2.2.0            "             
## [41] "[33] rmarkdown_1.15              XVector_0.26.0             "             
## [42] "[35] base64enc_0.1-3             pkgconfig_2.0.2            "             
## [43] "[37] htmltools_0.3.6             htmlwidgets_1.3            "             
## [44] "[39] rlang_0.4.0                 hwriter_1.3.2              "             
## [45] "[41] jsonlite_1.6                BiocParallel_1.20.0        "             
## [46] "[43] dplyr_0.8.3                 RCurl_1.95-4.12            "             
## [47] "[45] GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.2      biomformat_1.14.0          "             
## [48] "[47] Matrix_1.2-17               munsell_0.5.0              "             
## [49] "[49] S4Vectors_0.24.0            Rhdf5lib_1.8.0             "             
## [50] "[51] ape_5.3                     lifecycle_0.1.0            "             
## [51] "[53] stringi_1.4.3               yaml_2.2.0                 "             
## [52] "[55] MASS_7.3-51.4               SummarizedExperiment_1.16.0"             
## [53] "[57] zlibbioc_1.32.0             rhdf5_2.30.0               "             
## [54] "[59] plyr_1.8.4                  grid_3.6.1                 "             
## [55] "[61] parallel_3.6.1              ggrepel_0.8.1              "             
## [56] "[63] crayon_1.3.4                Biostrings_2.54.0          "             
## [57] "[65] splines_3.6.1               multtest_2.42.0            "             
## [58] "[67] zeallot_0.1.0               knitr_1.23                 "             
## [59] "[69] pillar_1.4.2                igraph_1.2.4.1             "             
## [60] "[71] GenomicRanges_1.38.0        ggsignif_0.6.0             "             
## [61] "[73] reshape2_1.4.3              codetools_0.2-16           "             
## [62] "[75] stats4_3.6.1                glue_1.3.1                 "             
## [63] "[77] evaluate_0.14               ShortRead_1.44.0           "             
## [64] "[79] blogdown_0.15               latticeExtra_0.6-28        "             
## [65] "[81] remotes_2.1.0               data.table_1.12.2          "             
## [66] "[83] RcppParallel_4.4.4          vctrs_0.2.0                "             
## [67] "[85] foreach_1.4.7               tidyr_1.0.0                "             
## [68] "[87] gtable_0.3.0                purrr_0.3.2                "             
## [69] "[89] assertthat_0.2.1            xfun_0.11.1                "             
## [70] "[91] mime_0.7                    viridisLite_0.3.0          "             
## [71] "[93] survival_2.44-1.1           tibble_2.1.3               "             
## [72] "[95] iterators_1.0.12            GenomicAlignments_1.22.0   "             
## [73] "[97] IRanges_2.20.0              cluster_2.1.0              "             
## [74] "[99] ellipsis_0.2.0.1           "