# Metabat2 20221104 {{< admonition success "Installed" true >}} This software should be available with no extra configuration. {{< /admonition >}} ## metabat2-20221104 It is exciting that MetaBAT has gained some popularity for the last couple of years. One of design goals of original MetaBAT was to enable users to explore MetaBAT parameters efficiently so that they could find the best results out of their dataset. However, the task might have been challenging due to various reasons (e.g. too many parameters to optimize, lack of knowledge about parameters, lack of computing or time resources, etc.). And typical users were just stick to the default setting and the shortcuts (e.g. --sensitive, --specific, etc) at best. Even though it is amazing to get great bins without spending much effort to optimize parameters, sometimes it does not produce the best possible bins out of datasets. And we felt that was not users' responsibility but our's. So here we introduce MetaBAT 2: * It requires virtually no parameter optimization. Now, default parameters are more reliable to use in most cases since MetaBAT adapts to the given data to find the best parameter. Hopefully it will relieve users of having full responsibility to find the best parameters for each dataset. * There are some parameters remaining for advanced users. It will help out to manage some exceptional cases by changing the amount of data used for the analysis. * MetaBAT 1 might outperform MetaBAT 2 when there are many samples and the assembly quality is good, so we kept the original version as metabat1 and added metabat2 as a separate executable. Since v2.12.1, metabat executable points to metabat2. ### NOTICE: ***Since v2.12.1, metabat executable points to metabat2. To run MetaBAT 1, use metabat1 executable.*** ***Check out a new tutorial [Best Binning Practices](https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/metabat/wiki/Best%20Binning%20Practices).*** ***Check out CAMI benchmark with MetaBAT 2 [here](https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/metabat/wiki/CAMI).*** ***Check out the MetaBAT paper [here](https://peerj.com/articles/1165).*** ## MetaBAT 2 USAGE: running on command line ***Be careful to have bams sorted first!*** The easy way: > runMetaBat.sh assembly.fasta sample1.bam [sample2.bam ...] The slightly less easy way: a) Generate a depth file from BAM files >jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths --outputDepth depth.txt *.bam b) Run metabat >metabat2 -i assembly.fasta -a depth.txt -o bins_dir/bin To check MetaBAT options: > metabat2 -h ```console Allowed options: -h [ --help ] produce help message -i [ --inFile ] arg Contigs in (gzipped) fasta file format [Mandatory] -o [ --outFile ] arg Base file name and path for each bin. The default output is fasta format. Use -l option to output only contig names [Mandatory]. -a [ --abdFile ] arg A file having mean and variance of base coverage depth (tab delimited; the first column should be contig names, and the first row will be considered as the header and be skipped) [Optional]. -m [ --minContig ] arg (=2500) Minimum size of a contig for binning (should be >=1500). --maxP arg (=95) Percentage of 'good' contigs considered for binning decided by connection among contigs. The greater, the more sensitive. --minS arg (=60) Minimum score of a edge for binning (should be between 1 and 99). The greater, the more specific. --maxEdges arg (=200) Maximum number of edges per node. The greater, the more sensitive. --pTNF arg (=0) TNF probability cutoff for building TNF graph. Use it to skip the preparation step. (0: auto). --noAdd Turning off additional binning for lost or small contigs. --cvExt When a coverage file without variance (from third party tools) is used instead of abdFile from jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths. -x [ --minCV ] arg (=1) Minimum mean coverage of a contig in each library for binning. --minCVSum arg (=1) Minimum total effective mean coverage of a contig (sum of depth over minCV) for binning. -s [ --minClsSize ] arg (=200000) Minimum size of a bin as the output. -t [ --numThreads ] arg (=0) Number of threads to use (0: use all cores). -l [ --onlyLabel ] Output only sequence labels as a list in a column without sequences. --saveCls Save cluster memberships as a matrix format --unbinned Generate [outFile].unbinned.fa file for unbinned contigs --noBinOut No bin output. Usually combined with --saveCls to check only contig memberships --seed arg (=0) For exact reproducibility. (0: use random seed) -d [ --debug ] Debug output -v [ --verbose ] Verbose output ``` Choice of Options: * In MetaBAT 2, parameter optimization will be unnecessary, though we allowed a few parameters so that advanced users might play with them. * You can decrease -m (--minContig) when the qualities of both assembly and formed bins with default value are very good. * You can decrease --maxP and --maxEdges when the qualities of both assembly and formed bins are very bad. * You can increase --maxEdges when the completeness level is low, for many datasets we typically use 500. * You can increase --minS when the qualities of both assembly and formed bins are very bad. * Set --noAdd when added small or leftover contigs cause too much contamination. * Set --pTNF positive numbers (1-99) to skip the TNF graph building preparation step. Otherwise, it will be automatically decided based on --maxP. Use this to reproduce previous result. * Set --seed positive numbers to reproduce the result exactly. Otherwise, random seed will be set each time. ## MetaBAT 1 USAGE: running on command line Run metabat >metabat1 -i assembly.fasta -a depth.txt -o bins_dir/bin To check MetaBAT options: > metabat1 -h ```console Allowed options: -h [ --help ] produce help message -i [ --inFile ] arg Contigs in (gzipped) fasta file format [Mandatory] -o [ --outFile ] arg Base file name for each bin. The default output is fasta format. Use -l option to output only contig names [Mandatory] -a [ --abdFile ] arg A file having mean and variance of base coverage depth (tab delimited; the first column should be contig names, and the first row will be considered as the header and be skipped) [Optional] --cvExt When a coverage file without variance (from third party tools) is used instead of abdFile from jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths -p [ --pairFile ] arg A file having paired reads mapping information. Use it to increase sensitivity. (tab delimited; should have 3 columns of contig index (ordered by), its mate contig index, and supporting mean read coverage. The first row will be considered as the header and be skipped) [Optional] --p1 arg (=0) Probability cutoff for bin seeding. It mainly controls the number of potential bins and their specificity. The higher, the more (specific) bins would be. (Percentage; Should be between 0 and 100) --p2 arg (=0) Probability cutoff for secondary neighbors. It supports p1 and better be close to p1. (Percentage; Should be between 0 and 100) --minProb arg (=0) Minimum probability for binning consideration. It controls sensitivity. Usually it should be >= 75. (Percentage; Should be between 0 and 100) --minBinned arg (=0) Minimum proportion of already binned neighbors for one's membership inference. It contorls specificity. Usually it would be <= 50 (Percentage; Should be between 0 and 100) --verysensitive For greater sensitivity, especially in a simple community. It is the shortcut for --p1 90 --p2 85 --pB 20 --minProb 75 --minBinned 20 --minCorr 90 --sensitive For better sensitivity [default]. It is the shortcut for --p1 90 --p2 90 --pB 20 --minProb 80 --minBinned 40 --minCorr 92 --specific For better specificity. Different from --sensitive when using correlation binning or ensemble binning. It is the shortcut for --p1 90 --p2 90 --pB 30 --minProb 80 --minBinned 40 --minCorr 96 --veryspecific For greater specificity. No correlation binning for short contig recruiting. It is the shortcut for --p1 90 --p2 90 --pB 40 --minProb 80 --minBinned 40 --superspecific For the best specificity. It is the shortcut for --p1 95 --p2 90 --pB 50 --minProb 80 --minBinned 20 --minCorr arg (=0) Minimum pearson correlation coefficient for binning missed contigs to increase sensitivity (Helpful when there are many samples). Should be very high (>=90) to reduce contamination. (Percentage; Should be between 0 and 100; 0 disables) --minSamples arg (=10) Minimum number of sample sizes for considering correlation based recruiting -x [ --minCV ] arg (=1) Minimum mean coverage of a contig to consider for abundance distance calculation in each library --minCVSum arg (=2) Minimum total mean coverage of a contig (sum of all libraries) to consider for abundance distance calculation -s [ --minClsSize ] arg (=200000) Minimum size of a bin to be considered as the output -m [ --minContig ] arg (=2500) Minimum size of a contig to be considered for binning (should be >=1500; ideally >=2500). If # of samples >= minSamples, small contigs (>=1000) will be given a chance to be recruited to existing bins by default. --minContigByCorr arg (=1000) Minimum size of a contig to be considered for recruiting by pearson correlation coefficients (activated only if # of samples >= minSamples; disabled when minContigByCorr > minContig) -t [ --numThreads ] arg (=0) Number of threads to use (0: use all cores) --minShared arg (=50) Percentage cutoff for merging fuzzy contigs --fuzzy Binning with fuzziness which assigns multiple memberships of a contig to bins (activated only with --pairFile at the moment) -l [ --onlyLabel ] Output only sequence labels as a list in a column without sequences -S [ --sumLowCV ] If set, then every sample that falls below the minCV will be used in an aggregate sample -V [ --maxVarRatio ] arg (=0) Ignore any contigs where variance / mean exceeds this ratio (0 disables) --saveTNF arg File to save (or load if exists) TNF matrix for each contig in input --saveDistance arg File to save (or load if exists) distance graph at lowest probability cutoff --saveCls Save cluster memberships as a matrix format --unbinned Generate [outFile].unbinned.fa file for unbinned contigs --noBinOut No bin output. Usually combined with --saveCls to check only contig memberships -B [ --B ] arg (=20) Number of bootstrapping for ensemble binning (Recommended to be >=20) --pB arg (=50) Proportion of shared membership in bootstrapping. Major control for sensitivity/specificity. The higher, the specific. (Percentage; Should be between 0 and 100) --seed arg (=0) For reproducibility in ensemble binning, though it might produce slightly different results. (0: use random seed) --keep Keep the intermediate files for later usage -d [ --debug ] Debug output -v [ --verbose ] Verbose output ``` Choice of Options: * '-i' input file should be either fasta or gzipped fasta file. (since v0.32.3) * If '-a [--abdFile]' option is not given, TNF only binning will be executed. * -p option is for utilizing paired info from short reads. It may improve sensitivity. * '--p1' and '--p2' should be both high to maintain great specificity. Usually p1 >= p2 performs better. * --minProb mainly controls the scope and sensitivity of binning. A smaller number improves sensitivity. It should be < p1, p2. * --minBinned mainly controls the specificity. A greater number improves specificity. Usually <= 50. * Use --verysensitive on simple community for more inclusive binning. * --minCorr would include contigs which are closely correlated in abundance but somewhat different in absolute abundance. More effective in availability of many samples. * Recruiting by correlation would be activated only if # of samples >= minSamples and be disabled (for better specificity) when minContigByCorr > minContig. * --veryspecific and --superspecific will not recruit small contigs by abundance correlation. * Coverage in a sample less than the number given with '-x [--minCV]' option will be ignored. * Bin size less than the number given with '-s [--minClsSize]' option will not be reported. * Contigs smaller than the length cutoff given with '-m [--minContig]' option will not be used in binning. The cutoff should be >= 1500; ideally >=2500. * Smaller contigs (>1000) will be given a chance to be recruited to existing bins when # of samples >= minSamples by default setting. * Use '-l [--onlyLabel]' when it is not necessary to record sequences. In this case, only the labels will be reported. In this case, use --noBinOut to prevent producing individual bins output. * If '-S [--sumLowCV]' is set, the coverages smallers than minCV will be aggregated. It may improve performance in certain cases. * If any number greater than 0 is given by '-V [--maxVarRatio]' option, contigs having spurious coverage pattern will be ignored. * '--saveDistance' option saves a lot of computations when multiple binning attempts are executed with different parameter settings. * '--unbinned' option generates a file for unbinned contigs. * '-B' option is for ensemble binning. Recommended to be 20 or more. Should be >= 10 for reasonable results. It tends to generate reduced number of better >quality bins at the cost of some additional computation. * '--pB' option controls for sensitivity and specificity tradeoff in ensemble binning. The smaller, the sensitive. Range is between 0 to 100. The default is 50. * Produced bins would be stochastic if ensemble binning was used. --seed would minimize the stochasticity but still there would be slight difference. ### OUTPUT: Each discovered bin will be saved as a fasta format ### NOTES: The proper settings on the read aligner should be set to evenly distribute ambiguously mapping reads (the default option for bowtie2, bwa, and bbmap). jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths USAGE: ```console Usage: jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths sortedBam1 [ sortedBam2 ...] where options include: --outputDepth arg The file to put the contig by bam depth matrix (default: STDOUT) --percentIdentity arg The minimum end-to-end % identity of qualifying reads (default: 97) --pairedContigs arg The file to output the sparse matrix of contigs which paired reads span (default: none) --unmappedFastq arg The prefix to output unmapped reads from each bam file suffixed by 'bamfile.bam.fastq.gz' --noIntraDepthVariance Do not include variance from mean depth along the contig --showDepth Output a .depth file per bam for each contig base --includeEdgeBases When calculating depth & variance, include the 1-readlength edges (off by default) --maxEdgeBases When calculating depth & variance, and not --includeEdgeBases, the maximum length (default:75) Options to control shredding contigs that are under represented by the reads --referenceFasta arg The reference file. (It must be the same fasta that bams used) --shredLength arg The maximum length of the shreds --shredDepth arg The depth to generate overlapping shreds --minContigLength arg The mimimum length of contig to include for mapping and shredding --minContigDepth arg The minimum depth along contig at which to break the contig ``` ## MetaBAT Adjusted coverage depths The algorithm that jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths uses for calculating coverage depth for each sequence in the assembly is adjusted by a few factors to improve the fidelity of the metrics when correlating abundance coverage in the binning stage. By default the following adjustments are applied: 1) **Edge Bases are ignored** > Edge bases are not counted as coverage, by the lesser of 1 AverageReadLength > or (--maxEdgeBases=75). > This is because most mappers can not reliably place a read that would extend > off the edge of a sequence, and coverage depth tends to drop towards 0 at > the edge of a contig or scaffold. > Use --includeEdgeBases to include the coverage in this region. 2) **Reads with high mapping errors are skipped** > Reads that map imperfectly are excluded when the %ID of the mapping drops > below a threshold (--percentIdentity=97). > MetaBAT is designed to resolve strain variation and mapping reads with low > %ID indicate that the read actually came from a different strain/species. > %ID is calculated from the CIGAR string and/or NM/MD fields and == 100 * > MatchedBases / (MatchedBases + Substituions + Insertions + Deletions) > This ensures that clips, insertions, deletions and mismatches are excluded > from the coverage count. Only the read bases that exactly match the > reference are counted as coverage. This generally has a small effect, > except in the case of long reads from PacBio and Nanopore. Example with real data -------------------------------- Description of Data: * 2 libraries of next-gen sequencing data of a mock community. * The community is composed of 25 known genomes. * Data is available to download: http://portal.nersc.gov/dna/RD/Metagenome_RD/MetaBAT/Software/Mockup/ After downloading the assembly file and two bam files, run the following command line: >runMetaBat.sh assembly.fa *.bam MetaBAT forms about 28 bins. In this example, since we know the true membership of each contig, we can calculate the completeness and precision of a bin correctly. ```R #The following is R commands (tested on Linux) library(plyr) library(foreach) options(width=150) refs <- read.table("membership.txt", sep="\t", header=T) files <- list.files(".", pattern="*.[0-9]+.fa$", full.name=F) bins <- foreach(f=files) %do% { system(sprintf("grep '>' %s | sed 's/>//'", f), intern=TRUE) } res <- foreach(b=bins, .combine=cbind) %do% { ddply(refs[match(b, refs$contig),], .(reference), function(x) sum(x$size), .drop=F) } rownames(res) <- res[,1]; res <- res[, seq(2,ncol(res),2)] colnames(res) <- sapply(strsplit(files, "\\."), function(x) x[length(x)-1]) genome.size <- ddply(refs, .(reference), function(x) c(size=sum(x$size))) genome.size <- genome.size[match(rownames(res), genome.size$reference),] res.prec <- apply(res, 2, function(x) max(x)/sum(x)) res.comp <- apply(res, 2, function(x) max(x)/genome.size$size[which.max(x)]) res.ref <- apply(res, 2, function(x) rownames(res)[which.max(x)]) res2 <- cbind.data.frame(Bin=names(res.prec), Size=colSums(res), 'Compl.'=res.comp, 'Prec.'=res.prec, 'Ref.'=res.ref) res2 summary(res2[,2:4]) #Median bin size was 3.72Mb with 97% median completeness (or 80% by mean) and 100% median precision (or 96% by mean). length(unique(res2$Ref.)) # 24 out of 25 genomes were binned. ``` The output will look like the following: ```R >res2 Bin Size Compl. Prec. Ref. 1 1 7860794 0.97635160 0.4832147 Natronobacterium gregoryi SP2, DSM 3393 10 10 4115670 0.81602285 1.0000000 Spirochaeta smaragdinae DSM 11293 11 11 3921774 0.86124825 1.0000000 Natronococcus occultus SP4, DSM 3396 12 12 3874303 0.98891653 1.0000000 Hirschia baltica ATCC 49814 13 13 3839986 0.99090122 1.0000000 Coraliomargarita akajimensis DSM 45221 14 14 3730710 0.98314815 1.0000000 Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 15 15 3704412 0.87120817 1.0000000 Thermobacillus composti KWC4, DSM 18247 16 16 3684573 0.86379200 1.0000000 Frateuria aurantia Kondo 67, DSM 6220 17 17 3546737 0.98625152 1.0000000 Meiothermus silvanus DSM 9946 18 18 3236335 0.99686126 1.0000000 Clostridium perfringens ATCC 13124 19 19 3173259 0.99905801 1.0000000 Segniliparus rotundus DSM 44985 2 2 5619150 0.99822442 1.0000000 Echinicola vietnamensis KMM 6221, DSM 17526 20 20 2924873 0.89827162 1.0000000 Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 21 21 2147757 0.98982458 1.0000000 Fervidobacterium pennivorans Ven5, DSM 9078 22 22 2125683 0.98312892 1.0000000 Olsenella uli DSM 7084 23 23 1805558 0.96656297 1.0000000 Streptococcus pyogenes M1 GAS 24 24 703485 0.23799984 0.7072745 Salmonella bongori NCTC 12419 25 25 576231 0.11425057 1.0000000 Spirochaeta smaragdinae DSM 11293 26 26 351671 0.06972657 1.0000000 Spirochaeta smaragdinae DSM 11293 27 27 292949 0.06889611 1.0000000 Thermobacillus composti KWC4, DSM 18247 28 28 274427 0.08428058 1.0000000 Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032 3 3 5272697 0.92686085 0.7153358 Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 4 4 5090248 0.97611998 1.0000000 Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae Groll, DSM 7213 5 5 4940344 0.99375427 1.0000000 Desulfosporosinus meridiei S10, DSM 13257 6 6 4829038 0.96953761 1.0000000 Desulfosporosinus acidophilus SJ4, DSM 22704 7 7 4766169 0.98037872 1.0000000 Terriglobus roseus KBS 63, DSM 18391 8 8 4753789 0.91043046 1.0000000 Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae serovar 62 9 9 4735197 0.98375082 1.0000000 Pseudomonas stutzeri RCH2 >summary(res2[,2:4]) Size Compl. Prec. Min. : 274427 Min. :0.0689 Min. :0.4832 1st Qu.:2142238 1st Qu.:0.8632 1st Qu.:1.0000 Median :3717561 Median :0.9728 Median :1.0000 Mean :3424922 Mean :0.8031 Mean :0.9609 3rd Qu.:4756884 3rd Qu.:0.9869 3rd Qu.:1.0000 Max. :7860794 Max. :0.9991 Max. :1.0000 ``` ``` MetaBAT Copyright (c) 2014, The Regents of the University of California, through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy). All rights reserved. If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this software, please contact Berkeley Lab's technology transfer department at TTD@lbl.gov referring to "MetaBAT (2014-075)." NOTICE. This software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department of Energy. As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five (5) years after the date permission to assert copyright is obtained from the U.S. Department of Energy, and subject to any subsequent five (5) year renewals, the U.S. Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so. ``` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Location ```console $ which metabat2 /local/cluster/metabat2/bin/metabat2 ``` ## help message ```console $ metabat2 --help MetaBAT: Metagenome Binning based on Abundance and Tetranucleotide frequency (version 2:GIT-NOTFOUND; 2022-11-04T00:09:08) by Don Kang (ddkang@lbl.gov), Feng Li, Jeff Froula, Rob Egan, and Zhong Wang (zhongwang@lbl.gov) Allowed options: -h [ --help ] produce help message -i [ --inFile ] arg Contigs in (gzipped) fasta file format [Mandatory] -o [ --outFile ] arg Base file name and path for each bin. The default output is fasta format. Use -l option to output only contig names [Mandatory]. -a [ --abdFile ] arg A file having mean and variance of base coverage depth (tab delimited; the first column should be contig names, and the first row will be considered as the header and be skipped) [Optional]. -m [ --minContig ] arg (=2500) Minimum size of a contig for binning (should be >=1500). --maxP arg (=95) Percentage of 'good' contigs considered for binning decided by connection among contigs. The greater, the more sensitive. --minS arg (=60) Minimum score of a edge for binning (should be between 1 and 99). The greater, the more specific. --maxEdges arg (=200) Maximum number of edges per node. The greater, the more sensitive. --pTNF arg (=0) TNF probability cutoff for building TNF graph. Use it to skip the preparation step. (0: auto). --noAdd Turning off additional binning for lost or small contigs. --cvExt When a coverage file without variance (from third party tools) is used instead of abdFile from jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths. -x [ --minCV ] arg (=1) Minimum mean coverage of a contig in each library for binning. --minCVSum arg (=1) Minimum total effective mean coverage of a contig (sum of depth over minCV) for binning. -s [ --minClsSize ] arg (=200000) Minimum size of a bin as the output. -t [ --numThreads ] arg (=0) Number of threads to use (0: use all cores). -l [ --onlyLabel ] Output only sequence labels as a list in a column without sequences. --saveCls Save cluster memberships as a matrix format --unbinned Generate [outFile].unbinned.fa file for unbinned contigs --noBinOut No bin output. Usually combined with --saveCls to check only contig memberships --seed arg (=0) For exact reproducibility. (0: use random seed) -d [ --debug ] Debug output -v [ --verbose ] Verbose output ``` software ref: research ref: