# MITObim 1.9.1 ## MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping The pipeline was originally developed for Illumina data, but thanks to the versatility of the MIRA assembler, MITObim supports in principle also data from the Iontorrent, 454 and PacBio sequencing platforms. Location and version: ```console $ which MITObim.pl /local/cluster/bin/MITObim.pl $ MITObim.pl --version MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping version 1.9.1 ``` help message: ```console $ MITObim.pl --help MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping version 1.9.1 usage: ./MITObim.pl parameters: -start iteration to start with (default=0, when using '-quick' reference) -end iteration to end with (default=startiteration, i.e. if not specified otherwise stop after 1 iteration) -sample sampleID (please don't use '.' in the sampleID). If resuming, the sampleID needs to be identical to that of the previous iteration / MIRA assembly. -ref referenceID. If resuming, use the same as in previous iteration/initial MIRA assembly. -readpool readpool in fastq format (*.gz is also allowed). read pairs need to be interleaved for full functionality of the '-pair' option below. -quick reference sequence to be used as bait in fasta format -maf extracts reference from maf file created by previous MITObim iteration/MIRA assembly (resume) optional: --kbait set kmer for baiting stringency (default: 31) --platform specify sequencing platform (default: 'solexa'; other options: 'iontor', '454', 'pacbio') --denovo runs MIRA in denovo mode --pair extend readpool to contain full read pairs, even if only one member was baited (relies on /1 and /2 header convention for read pairs) (default: no). --verbose show detailed output of MIRA modules (default: no) --split split reference at positions with more than 5N (default: no) --help shows this helpful information --clean retain only the last 2 iteration directories (default: no) --trimreads trim data (default: no; we recommend to trim beforehand and feed MITObim with pre trimmed data) --trimoverhang trim overhang up- and downstream of reference, i.e. don't extend the bait, just re-assemble (default: no) --mismatch number of allowed mismatches in mapping - only for illumina data (default: 15% of avg. read length) --min_cov minimum average coverage of contigs to be retained (default: 0 - off) --min_len minimum length of contig to be retained as backbone (default: 0 - off) --mirapath full path to MIRA binaries (only needed if MIRA is not in PATH) --redirect_tmp redirect temporary output to this location (useful in case you are running MITObim on an NFS mount) --NFS_warn_only allow MIRA to run on NFS mount without aborting - warn only (expert option - see MIRA documentation 'check_nfs') --version display MITObim version examples: ./MITObim.pl -start 1 -end 5 -sample StrainX -ref reference-mt -readpool illumina_readpool.fastq -maf initial_assembly.maf ./MITObim.pl -end 10 -quick reference.fasta -sample StrainY -ref reference-mt -readpool illumina_readpool.fastq ``` software ref: research ref: