# plotsr 0.5.4 {{< admonition tip "Conda" true >}} See the 'activating the conda environment' section below to access this software. {{< /admonition >}} ## plotsr-0.5.4 Plotsr generates high-quality visualisation of synteny and structural rearrangements between multiple genomes. For this, it uses the genomic structural annotations between multiple chromosome-level assemblies. See the [readme](https://github.com/schneebergerlab/plotsr) for examples and to get example data. ### syri [syri](https://github.com/schneebergerlab/syri) is included in the conda environment so that the alignmetns can be done. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Activating the conda environment Check out a node with `qrsh` and run: ```console bash source /local/cluster/conda-envs/envs/plotsr-0.5.4/activate.sh ``` And then run your commands as usual. To use over SGE, include the source line above in a shell script prior to your commands, e.g. ```bash $ cat run_plotsr.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash source /local/cluster/conda-envs/envs/plotsr-0.5.4/activate.sh plotsr ... ``` And then run `SGE_Batch -c 'bash ./run_plotsr.sh' -r sge.plotsr ...`. ### Making activation easier If you have had conda set up for a while, e.g. using the instructions in [this post](../../tips/posts/using-the-system-miniconda-3-install/), then you can run (only necessary once): ```console bash conda config --append envs_dirs /local/cluster/conda-envs/envs conda config --append pkgs_dirs /local/cluster/conda-envs/pkgs ``` and then you can activate the env using `conda activate plotsr-0.5.4`. ## Location and version ```console $ source /local/cluster/conda-envs/envs/plotsr-0.5.4/activate.sh $ which plotsr /local/cluster/conda-envs/envs/plotsr-0.5.4/bin/plotsr $ plotsr --version 0.5.4 ``` ## help message ```console $ plotsr --help usage: Plotting structural rearrangements between genomes [-h] [--sr SR] [--bp BP] --genomes GENOMES [--markers MARKERS] [--tracks TRACKS] [--chrord CHRORD] [--chrname CHRNAME] [-o O] [--itx] [--chr CHR] [--reg REG] [--rtr] [--nosyn] [--noinv] [--notr] [--nodup] [-s S] [--cfg CFG] [-R] [-f F] [-H H] [-W W] [-S S] [-d D] [-b {agg,cairo,pdf,pgf,ps,svg,template}] [-v] [--log {DEBUG,INFO,WARN}] [--version] Input/Output files: --sr SR Structural annotation mappings (syri.out) identified by SyRI (default: None) --bp BP Structural annotation mappings in BEDPE format (default: None) --genomes GENOMES File containing path to genomes (default: None) --markers MARKERS File containing path to markers (bed format) (default: None) --tracks TRACKS File listing paths and details for all tracks to be plotted (default: None) --chrord CHRORD File containing reference (first genome) chromosome IDs in the order in which they are to be plotted. File requires one chromosome ID per line. Not compatible with --chr (default: None) --chrname CHRNAME File containing reference (first genome) chromosome names to be used in the plot. File needs to be a TSV with the chromosome ID in first column and chromosome name in the second. (default: None) -o O Output file name. Acceptable format: pdf, png, svg (default: plotsr.pdf) Data filtering: --itx Use inter-chromosomal plotting mode (experimental) (default: False) --chr CHR Select specific chromosome on reference (first genome) and plots them in the given order. Not compatible with --chrord. Can be used multiple time to select more than one chromosomes. (default: None) --reg REG Plots a specific region. Use as: GenomeID:ChromosomeID:Start-End. Not compatible with --chr and -R. (default: None) --rtr When using --reg, plot all SRs that are within the boundaries of the homologous regions. For highly zoomed regions, this could result in visually disconnected alignments. (default: False) --nosyn Do not plot syntenic regions (default: False) --noinv Do not plot inversions (default: False) --notr Do not plot translocations regions (default: False) --nodup Do not plot duplications regions (default: False) -s S minimum size of a SR to be plotted (default: 10000) Plot adjustment: --cfg CFG Path to config file containing parameters to adjust plot. (default: None) -R Join adjacent syntenic blocks if they are not interrupted by SRs. Using this would decrease gaps in the visualisation. (default: False) -f F font size (default: 6) -H H height of the plot (default: None) -W W width of the plot (default: None) -S S Space for homologous chromosome (0.1-0.75). Adjust this to make more space for annotation markers/texts and tracks. (default: 0.7) -d D DPI for the final image (default: 300) -b {agg,cairo,pdf,pgf,ps,svg,template} Matplotlib backend to use (default: agg) -v Plot vertical chromosome (default: False) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --log {DEBUG,INFO,WARN} Log-level (default: WARN) --version show program's version number and exit ``` software ref: software ref: research ref: