# SnpEff 5.1d # SnpEff SnpEff is a variant annotation and effect prediction tool. It annotates and predicts the effects of genetic variants (such as amino acid changes). ## SnpEff Summary A typical SnpEff use case would be: * Input: The inputs are predicted variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions and MNPs). The input file is usually obtained as a result of a sequencing experiment, and it is usually in variant call format (VCF). * Output: SnpEff analyzes the input variants. It annotates the variants and calculates the effects they produce on known genes (e.g. amino acid changes). A list of effects and annotations that SnpEff can calculate can be found [here](https://pcingola.github.io/SnpEff/se_inputoutput/#effect-prediction-details). Location: ```console $ which snpeff /local/cluster/bin/snpeff ``` help message: ```console $ snpeff SnpEff version SnpEff 5.1d (build 2022-04-19 15:49), by Pablo Cingolani Usage: snpEff [command] [options] [files] Run 'java -jar snpEff.jar command' for help on each specific command Available commands: [eff|ann] : Annotate variants / calculate effects (you can use either 'ann' or 'eff', they mean the same). Default: ann (no command or 'ann'). build : Build a SnpEff database. buildNextProt : Build a SnpEff for NextProt (using NextProt's XML files). cds : Compare CDS sequences calculated form a SnpEff database to the one in a FASTA file. Used for checking databases correctness. closest : Annotate the closest genomic region. count : Count how many intervals (from a BAM, BED or VCF file) overlap with each genomic interval. databases : Show currently available databases (from local config file). download : Download a SnpEff database. dump : Dump to STDOUT a SnpEff database (mostly used for debugging). genes2bed : Create a bed file from a genes list. len : Calculate total genomic length for each marker type. pdb : Build interaction database (based on PDB data). protein : Compare protein sequences calculated form a SnpEff database to the one in aFASTA file. Used for checking databases correctness. seq : Show sequence (from command line) translation. show : Show a text representation of genes or transcripts coordiantes, DNA sequence and protein sequence. translocReport : Create a translocations report (from VCF file). Generic options: -c , -config : Specify config file -configOption name=value : Override a config file option -d , -debug : Debug mode (very verbose). -dataDir : Override data_dir parameter from config file. -download : Download a SnpEff database, if not available locally. Default: true -nodownload : Do not download a SnpEff database, if not available locally. -h , -help : Show this help and exit -noLog : Do not report usage statistics to server -q , -quiet : Quiet mode (do not show any messages or errors) -v , -verbose : Verbose mode -version : Show version number and exit Database options: -canon : Only use canonical transcripts. -canonList : Only use canonical transcripts, replace some transcripts using the 'gene_idtranscript_id' entries in . -interaction : Annotate using inteactions (requires interaciton database). Default: true -interval : Use a custom intervals in TXT/BED/BigBed/VCF/GFF file (you may use this option many times) -maxTSL : Only use transcripts having Transcript Support Level lower than . -motif : Annotate using motifs (requires Motif database). Default: true -nextProt : Annotate using NextProt (requires NextProt database). -noGenome : Do not load any genomic database (e.g. annotate using custom files). -noExpandIUB : Disable IUB code expansion in input variants -noInteraction : Disable inteaction annotations -noMotif : Disable motif annotations. -noNextProt : Disable NextProt annotations. -onlyReg : Only use regulation tracks. -onlyProtein : Only use protein coding transcripts. Default: false -onlyTr : Only use the transcripts in this file. Format: One transcript ID per line. -reg : Regulation track to use (this option can be used add several times). -ss , -spliceSiteSize : Set size for splice sites (donor and acceptor) in bases. Default: 2 -spliceRegionExonSize : Set size for splice site region within exons. Default: 3 bases -spliceRegionIntronMin : Set minimum number of bases for splice site region within intron. Default: 3 bases -spliceRegionIntronMax : Set maximum number of bases for splice site region within intron. Default: 8 bases -strict : Only use 'validated' transcripts (i.e. sequence has been checked). Default:false -ud , -upDownStreamLen : Set upstream downstream interval length (in bases) ``` software ref: research ref: